15 October 2008

Favourite quote

I posted this picture on TAW blog last week.

I'm posting it here because the quote has become so important for me to read: in any and every moment of trial and tribulation.

There really is only one of me in the whole wide world and I am learning how important it is to treasure that fact...

...and for a seasoned tree hugger, what a fabulous tree!!! ;-)

Today's favourite (I really adore this..) song: Joseph Arthur, 'Honey and the Moon'


SisterJulia said...

That video is so sweet and poignant.

And your tree picture strikes me again as so wonderful! May I have your permission to load it onto my computer and print it for my mother and baby group friends?

Flower said...

absolutely, go for it!!

Secret Wish Jar said...

What an amazing tree picture! And what a beautiful quote! Thanks for sharing it here...